How the War on Truth Is Destroying Our World Part One
It amazes me that otherwise intelligent people believe in an idea that all of this marvelous clearly designed world with all it's abundant life and infinite complexity could just have happened by accident. Just look at the complexity of the cell, or birds flying in formation, or an infection repairing itself, trees bearing fruit, farms producing tons of produce daily; everyone knows this is all by design. Us humans will never have the ability to design like the Designer designs. To say that this world and universe happened by accident is simply and CATEGORICALLY false.
Who would believe in something so stupid as Macro-Evolution, the theory that proposes this creation is an accident? The person who hates God, of course. God is not one of many possibilities. He is the ONLY possibility and every human being KNOWS that God exists. Leftists, atheists, and their ilk want to take the rest of us for a rollercoaster ride where we deny obvious realities. God doesn't exist, our world happened by accident, men can become women and vice versa, corrupt people can be trusted, etc. - all categorically false. There is truth and there is falsehood and the Left wants us to trade truth for falsehoods and. sadly, half of our country is siding with them, more than likely because of their own deeply personal rejection of God.
This erosion of truth is dissolving the hope we had of growing a free and inclusive government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Special interests are categorically opposed to those goals as they are also categorically opposed to the truth. As a result, we see our nation's decline on steroids, justice is vanishing, our liberties are being successfully sucked away. Our nation was founded on truth in our Declaration of Independence and will die when that cornerstone is forever taken away.
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