Satan's Frightening Rise
Satan’s Frightening Rise
Many people who are religious and many who are not have said that they feel Satan is rising in recent years. For the purpose of clarity I want to focus on a select number of areas that are most obvious because they follow a family resemblance of the devil detailed in the Bible; Satan's fingerprints in today's headlines. If you don’t believe in the Bible or Satan, I still feel that you will find the following thought experiments very provocative.First, Satan has always been on the move but he always surprises us. The world asked itself, “How could a developed nation like 1930s Germany have fallen for the sham of fascism?” You may have seen that horrid clip of well-dressed, obviously upper-crust Germans, watching emotionless as naked Jewish men, women, and children were herded into a box truck and moments later watched as a thick tube was attached to the rear of the truck to pump a poisonous gas into it. The group of men looked on as if they were watching a boring baseball game. The victims did nothing to fight back and no one lifted a finger to defend them. Fast forward less than a full generation and the developed world embraced legal and easily-accessible abortion. The mass murder of innocent children is the first follow up to the Nazi’s extermination of the Jews and other groups such as political opponents, gays, and the disabled. But evil has a way of dragging people down just as the murderous German men must have been beholden to their past actions; Satan is a master of the spiritual and visceral warfare of blackmail. The Abortion Holocaust has created a generation of women and men who are faced with having made a decision they know was horrible, resulting in the cruel denial of a life to another human being; their own child. When Twitter first became popular, I started an account to promote my writings but soon got caught up in the prochoice/pro life debate. It shocked me how the most adamant prochoice activists would fight viciously with me and then suddenly admit they were crying hysterically and that I was mean. That happened at least 10 times. The outrageous prochoice declarations of celebrities like Chelsea Handler reveal, for example, a severely damaged woman deeply hurt by her abortion even as she tells you she’s happy about it. Satan knows how to tie people up in knots so he can use them.The awful authoritarianism and potential extermination of millions of people in the pandemic response that is ongoing is another Satanic homerun. We are seeing leaders making inexplicable laws turning everyone into slaves of the government in order to counter a very contagious but relatively - in a historical sense - mild flu. Scenes in blue states in America, in Austria, Australia, and pretty much everywhere should make everyone’s blood boil. The complete disregard for basic civil rights (e.g. cops beating a woman for not wearing a mask, businesses forced to close and small business people’s dreams and finances in ruins, people forced to get the jab then dying from it, etc.) is shocking. It’s as if we are seeing a Twilight Zone episode where the Nazis won the war and took over the world. It’s so reminiscent of Nazi Germany that freedom lovers the world over are talking about having a Nuremberg 2.0 Trial to bring the powerful perpetrators to justice as well as the doctors and nurses who violated their Hippocratic Oath. But the Plandemic horror depends on the same trick Satan used with abortion. World leaders and healthcare elites have been compromised by a Big Pharma machine that has taken over all health oversight by the federal and many state governments. Nobodies like Australia’s Victorian Premier Dan Andrews and New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern have become rich mysteriously and are frog-marching their constituents to make a choice between taking the vaccine or languishing in prison. If they tried to change their ways at this point, the wrath of Big Pharma and the citizenry would promptly crush them. But that isn’t even the most sinister thing Satan has done with the Plandemic. The worst, most visceral side effect of the vaccine short of death is the realization that you have been had. And everyone knows some friend or family member that begged them not to do it and told them why. “I told you so” is not something someone wants to hear or think about as they get sicker and sicker realizing their is no way to reverse the damage. Many folks who gave in to fear to get the jab will lash out in anger - and have lashed out - at the unvaccinated. Like abortion, the jab was a private decision that will come to light as a consequential, deeply divisive reality.So Satan has been perfecting separating people by guilt, using their consciences to control them. He has separated mothers and fathers from their children in abortion on demand, has divided people by the color of their skin, and now in the perfect trifecta he has managed to separate people by their blood.
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