She Taught Me to Stand Up - Mother's Day, 2021

 This was my 2021 Mother's Day Poem to Mom.


She taught me to stand up

From dodge ball to baseball
to unfairness to business.
With tears I see her fade
But I know she taught me,
and here I stand, in principle,
born again, and standing firm
in the power of the Word.
With tears I see her fade,
But I know the lion she was,
and is and always shall be.
She taught me to stand up,
to sing praises to the Lord,
who is our only good,
To bring Heaven to this lowly earth,
To disrupt realities with forgiveness
and acts of unrequited love.
She taught me to stand up,
when all the world would sit down.
She taught me to stand up.
She taught me how
to conquer all. She is my all,
and always will be
my all; my first all.


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