Against the gods-Why the Left and Right are Entrenched
There has always been a strong political divide in the United States dating back to the very beginning of our Republic. The founders came up with a brilliant way to disqualify British rule called the Declaration of Independence. In it they declared that rights came from God, not the crown, not from government. Since the crown had long usurped those rights, it was no longer relevant and British rule was abolished, creating the United States of America, a unique country in history because it was created by philosophy, not by conquest.
But not everyone agreed with the way the Republic was established. The institution of slavery was deeply entrenched in the South. Slavery was in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence, doing exactly what the Declaration expressly forbid. Slavery was akin to what the British had done; usurp the God-given rights of men and women. The party that came to the defense of slavery became known as the Democratic party, strongly defined after the presidency of its founder, Andrew Jackson. The Democrats rationalized that blacks were not fully human, an argument we see today to defend abortion, another fervently supported Democrat Party evil. While blacks, and also Native Americans, were not fully human because of their race, unborn babies are not fully human because of their age. The Democrats believe man can make that determination even though it violates the law of our own Declaration.
The Democrats represent that half of the population that were never comfortable with our Declaration of Independence. Their distaste for God-given rights is a very intimate rejection, a visceral and deeply spiritual divide.
You see, we all have a connection to God; the most important relationship of our lives is our relationship with God regardless of whether we admit it or not or even know it. Because this relationship is so all-encompassing, it colors the way we see EVERYTHING. It determines our worldview.
People tend to fall into one of the two categories; they are either comfortable with the existence of God or they're not. Make no mistake, I'm not talking sinners and saints here; many on the right are comfortable with the idea of God - or that they are not God - but don't follow Christ. Simply put, Democrats and Liberals are not comfortable with God in control while Conservatives are comfortable with God's existence even though they, too, often struggle with the sovereignty of God. Note that I didn't say the Left hates God and the Right loves God. It's that one side is generally comfortable with the IDEA of God and the other isn't, not that one side consists of saints and the other sinners. We're all sinners. Salvation involves falling in love with God, in relationship with Him, not just being comfortable with some idea of God.
The "against God" half of our nation places themselves in His place by default. In other words, if you're against God, you are placing yourself in His place. This divide of "against God vs ok with God" explains the surprising controversies coming to the fore today. God determines gender but the against-God crowd - we'll call them "the gods" - seeks to deny God that right. A man can identify as a woman and BECOME a woman by his sheer will, we are told. This is scientifically impossible. While we meet the person where they are and love them, as Christ would, affirming their false beliefs is not love, it's love's evil twin; deference. But deference nor any other half-truth should ever eclipse truth. Truth is all-powerful and always comes out anyway. An archeologist unearths the skeleton of a thousand-year-old male, he classifies it as a male skeleton, not a male skeleton who thinks its a female skeleton.
So the Left should not be encouraged by irrelevant, lukewarm conservatives like Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney whose acquiescence is simply due to their personal political corruption. The Left's opposition is not a "loyal opposition" of the RINOs; we are the mortal enemies of the gods who dream of lording over their fellow humans rather than serving them. You who want to replace God will have to kill all of us who refuse to believe we are gods. It will not end well for you - never has, never will. Truth and God will always triumph.
But not everyone agreed with the way the Republic was established. The institution of slavery was deeply entrenched in the South. Slavery was in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence, doing exactly what the Declaration expressly forbid. Slavery was akin to what the British had done; usurp the God-given rights of men and women. The party that came to the defense of slavery became known as the Democratic party, strongly defined after the presidency of its founder, Andrew Jackson. The Democrats rationalized that blacks were not fully human, an argument we see today to defend abortion, another fervently supported Democrat Party evil. While blacks, and also Native Americans, were not fully human because of their race, unborn babies are not fully human because of their age. The Democrats believe man can make that determination even though it violates the law of our own Declaration.
The Democrats represent that half of the population that were never comfortable with our Declaration of Independence. Their distaste for God-given rights is a very intimate rejection, a visceral and deeply spiritual divide.
You see, we all have a connection to God; the most important relationship of our lives is our relationship with God regardless of whether we admit it or not or even know it. Because this relationship is so all-encompassing, it colors the way we see EVERYTHING. It determines our worldview.
People tend to fall into one of the two categories; they are either comfortable with the existence of God or they're not. Make no mistake, I'm not talking sinners and saints here; many on the right are comfortable with the idea of God - or that they are not God - but don't follow Christ. Simply put, Democrats and Liberals are not comfortable with God in control while Conservatives are comfortable with God's existence even though they, too, often struggle with the sovereignty of God. Note that I didn't say the Left hates God and the Right loves God. It's that one side is generally comfortable with the IDEA of God and the other isn't, not that one side consists of saints and the other sinners. We're all sinners. Salvation involves falling in love with God, in relationship with Him, not just being comfortable with some idea of God.
The "against God" half of our nation places themselves in His place by default. In other words, if you're against God, you are placing yourself in His place. This divide of "against God vs ok with God" explains the surprising controversies coming to the fore today. God determines gender but the against-God crowd - we'll call them "the gods" - seeks to deny God that right. A man can identify as a woman and BECOME a woman by his sheer will, we are told. This is scientifically impossible. While we meet the person where they are and love them, as Christ would, affirming their false beliefs is not love, it's love's evil twin; deference. But deference nor any other half-truth should ever eclipse truth. Truth is all-powerful and always comes out anyway. An archeologist unearths the skeleton of a thousand-year-old male, he classifies it as a male skeleton, not a male skeleton who thinks its a female skeleton.
So why do the gods insist males who identify as females compete in all-female sports? It's so bizarre any simpleton like myself can easily peel back the spiritual layers of such a claim and expose the obvious theme that the gods want to replace the God of truth. Think about it, if we all accept that Joey's fantasy that he is actually Josephina, we are agreeing to follow a Big Lie.
The transgender movement is just the easiest target to define what Hate-God-ism is up to but each point of today's Left is an equal assault on truth and our flawless Declaration of Independence. God brings children into existence, the Left is obsessed with the "right" to kill them. If you kill the children, you kill God. One pro-abort once confessed to me that she wished she could go back in time and convince Mary to abort Jesus. Leftists are opposed to private charities because charity "is the governments role." Forget "Deus caritas est" - God is Love (aka Charity) - no, says the Left, it's Government.
The transgender movement is just the easiest target to define what Hate-God-ism is up to but each point of today's Left is an equal assault on truth and our flawless Declaration of Independence. God brings children into existence, the Left is obsessed with the "right" to kill them. If you kill the children, you kill God. One pro-abort once confessed to me that she wished she could go back in time and convince Mary to abort Jesus. Leftists are opposed to private charities because charity "is the governments role." Forget "Deus caritas est" - God is Love (aka Charity) - no, says the Left, it's Government.
Pick any subject of our political divide and see if I'm wrong. I'm absolutely confident that every stance of the Left points to the thinly veiled War on the God who created them. It's only a matter of time before many of them begin to declare they are not human and we'll be allocating taxpayer money to determine the well-being of humans who identify as dogs, or cats, or turtles and publishing statistics showing how dogs and cats and turtles voted in the last election.
But this isn't funny. It's a Civil War of a nation so divided that it must achieve the complete destruction of one side or the other to survive, or be completely destroyed altogether. I haven't mentioned where the Ok-With-God folks are in relation to the gods, but, make no mistake, we are in absolute and mortal opposition to the Left. Those who believe in our declaration of Independence believe in our country and freedom. We will never live under the hand of a Leftist, socialist dictatorship which is to say we prefer to die fighting to abolish such a government as is our duty defined in our Declaration of Independence below:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
So the Left should not be encouraged by irrelevant, lukewarm conservatives like Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney whose acquiescence is simply due to their personal political corruption. The Left's opposition is not a "loyal opposition" of the RINOs; we are the mortal enemies of the gods who dream of lording over their fellow humans rather than serving them. You who want to replace God will have to kill all of us who refuse to believe we are gods. It will not end well for you - never has, never will. Truth and God will always triumph.
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