
How the War on Truth Is Destroying Our World Part One

            It amazes me that otherwise intelligent people believe in an idea that all of this marvelous clearly designed world with all it's abundant life and infinite complexity could just have happened by accident. Just look at the complexity of the cell, or birds flying in formation, or an infection repairing itself, trees bearing fruit, farms producing tons of produce daily; everyone knows this is all by design. Us humans will never have the ability to design like the Designer designs. To say that this world and universe happened by accident is simply and CATEGORICALLY false.      Who would believe in something so stupid as Macro-Evolution, the theory that proposes this creation is an accident? The person who hates God, of course. God is not one of many possibilities. He is the ONLY possibility and every human being KNOWS that God exists. Leftists, atheists, and their ilk want to take the rest of us for a rollercoaster ride whe...

The Joke’s on You - A Believer’s Letter to Nonbelievers

  Insanity has made great strides in the last few years in the world. The progressive degeneration of the human mind has led to massive tragedies that are unfolding, and will unfold in the near future . Satan knows what he’s doing which is what he always has done, to cause people to destroy themselves so that he will not be alone in his lake of fire.   That is why the nonbelievers are pushing the climate change hoax, so that we would ban carbon dioxide, a gas that we emit ourselves, a gas that life needs to sustain itself. God must have erred in using carbon as a building block of life. Who knew? God messes up everything according to the non-believers. That is why children are being convinced that they were born the wrong gender, that God screwed that up, too. Nonbelieving parents are destroying their children’s bodies in “gender-affirming” surgeries, creating an underclass of people who will be miserable all their lives, unable to be intimate with another.   ...

The United States of the Globalists

 I used to be convinced that globalism was a way to create lasting peace in the world through free trade between nations. China would not want to go to war with the US if they were huge trading partners. Nationalism, or the desire of nations to prosper their people, would continue while the global economy would usher in long term stability. Thus we overlooked manufacturing jobs disappearing here through out-sourcing as free traders pointed that the US would gain better paying jobs through in-sourcing from other countries in the tech and service industries. But there was something we didn't think through. Globalism created another nation that has nationalist tendencies . That's not only worth highlighting but worth repeating. The leaders of our world have come together under another banner that we didn't see coming and they appear to have pledged allegiance to a foreign entity that now rules over the nations in varying degrees of tyranny. Therefore the globalist regime does ...

Jordan Peterson's Realization About the Bible

"It's not that the Bible is true, but that the Bible is the manifestation of truth which makes it way more true than just true. It's a whole different kind of true. And I think that this is not only literally the case, factually, I think, it can't be any other way. It's the only way we can solve the problem of perception." - Jordan Peterson

Satan's Frightening Rise

  Satan’s Frightening Rise Many people who are religious and many who are not have said that they feel Satan is rising in recent years. For the purpose of clarity I want to focus on a select number of areas that are most obvious because they follow a family resemblance of the devil detailed in the Bible; Satan's fingerprints in today's headlines. If you don’t believe in the Bible or Satan, I still feel that you will find the following thought experiments very provocative. First, Satan has always been on the move but he always surprises us. The world asked itself, “How could a developed nation like 1930s Germany have fallen for the sham of fascism?” You may have seen that horrid clip of well-dressed, obviously upper-crust Germans, watching emotionless as naked Jewish men, women, and children were herded into a box truck and moments later watched as a thick tube was attached to the rear of the truck to pump a poisonous gas into it. The group of men looked on as if they were watch...

Jesus the Way Out of the Fly Bottle - 11-20-21

 Wittgenstein said that the goal of philosophy is "to show the fly the way out of the fly bottle" (Philosophical Investigations, article 309). And, while Wittgenstein is slowly showing us the way to Jesus, I'll cut to the chase and proclaim the truth that Jesus is the way out of the fly bottle. That's right, Jesus said, "I am the Way (out of the fly bottle), the Truth, and the Life." 20 years ago today, I cried out to God, accusing Him of doing a bad job. He gave me a vision that night and woke me up early that morning to meet Him. The Holy Spirit glowed above my bed, embracing me spiritually and sensationally. This experience turned on the fulcrum of the vision, what infinite loss - and gain - it was that the Son of God died for my sins. You see, the bottle that I lived in was my body apart from Christ, my flesh that contaminates my thinking, breeding resentments, perversions, and unhealthy desires. Jesus shatters that with His death on the Cross and brings...

Against the gods-Why the Left and Right are Entrenched

There has always been a strong political divide in the United States dating back to the very beginning of our Republic. The founders came up with a brilliant way to disqualify British rule called the Declaration of Independence. In it they declared that rights came from God, not the crown, not from government. Since the crown had long usurped those rights, it was no longer relevant and British rule was abolished, creating the United States of America, a unique country in history because it was created by philosophy, not by conquest. But not everyone agreed with the way the Republic was established. The institution of slavery was deeply entrenched in the South. Slavery was in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence, doing exactly what the Declaration expressly forbid. Slavery was akin to what the British had done; usurp the God-given rights of men and women. The party that came to the defense of slavery became known as the Democratic party, strongly defined after the presi...