
Showing posts from December, 2021

Satan's Frightening Rise

  Satan’s Frightening Rise Many people who are religious and many who are not have said that they feel Satan is rising in recent years. For the purpose of clarity I want to focus on a select number of areas that are most obvious because they follow a family resemblance of the devil detailed in the Bible; Satan's fingerprints in today's headlines. If you don’t believe in the Bible or Satan, I still feel that you will find the following thought experiments very provocative. First, Satan has always been on the move but he always surprises us. The world asked itself, “How could a developed nation like 1930s Germany have fallen for the sham of fascism?” You may have seen that horrid clip of well-dressed, obviously upper-crust Germans, watching emotionless as naked Jewish men, women, and children were herded into a box truck and moments later watched as a thick tube was attached to the rear of the truck to pump a poisonous gas into it. The group of men looked on as if they were watch...