Jesus the Way Out of the Fly Bottle - 11-20-21
Wittgenstein said that the goal of philosophy is "to show the fly the way out of the fly bottle" (Philosophical Investigations, article 309). And, while Wittgenstein is slowly showing us the way to Jesus, I'll cut to the chase and proclaim the truth that Jesus is the way out of the fly bottle. That's right, Jesus said, "I am the Way (out of the fly bottle), the Truth, and the Life." 20 years ago today, I cried out to God, accusing Him of doing a bad job. He gave me a vision that night and woke me up early that morning to meet Him. The Holy Spirit glowed above my bed, embracing me spiritually and sensationally. This experience turned on the fulcrum of the vision, what infinite loss - and gain - it was that the Son of God died for my sins. You see, the bottle that I lived in was my body apart from Christ, my flesh that contaminates my thinking, breeding resentments, perversions, and unhealthy desires. Jesus shatters that with His death on the Cross and brings...